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Rugby TUSC has letter published opposing Boundary Commission decision to move Long Lawford into the

This was published in the Rugby Observer.

The Rugby Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) is concerned that the revised Constituency boundary changes announced yesterday have not addressed our submission to the Boundary Commission concerning the new Rugby and Southam constituency. Having talked to local people, we are opposed to the recommendation to move Long Lawford and Chuch Lawford from Rugby to a revised Nuneaton constituency.

Whilst recognizing there is need, nationally, to try and equalize constituency boundaries in terms of voters, we do not believe local communities should be politically divided. The Lawfords will remain part of Rugby Council but be represented by a Nuneaton MP in Parliament. That does not make sense, and will cause confusion. The same will be true for Bishops Itchington, Harbury, Long Itchington, Napton and Fenny Compton which all remain part of Stratford Council but have been moved into the new Rugby and Southam constituency.

There are a number of reasons local people oppose the recommendation to move Long Lawford from the Rugby to the Nuneaton parliamentary constituency:

  • The people of Long Lawford feel very much part of Rugby which is only a mile away.

  • With the greatest of respect to Nuneaton, it is 15 miles away, people in Long Lawford feel little or no empathy towards it, and most rarely travel there

  • Children from Long Lawford attend Rugby schools

  • There is no bus service from Long Lawford to Nuneaton

  • There are few reasons to shop or go out socially in Nuneaton given its distance from here.

  • It will be much more difficult for local people living in the Lawfords to meet their MP

If constituents feel little empathy with an area, they are even less likely to participate politically.

We made all these points in our submission to the Boundaries Commission: we are furious they have been ignored without comment."

Pete McLaren, Secretary and spokesperson, Rugby TUSC - and resident of Long Lawford


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